Le bain
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Le bain
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Bath Accessories:
Develop a safe, clean and fun bathtime routine with these favorites.

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Tasse de rinçage
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Protège-genoux et coudes
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L'ensemble serviette à capuche + débarbouillette Out of stock in matching color!
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Popular Add-Ons:

Gobelets empilables Out of stock in matching color!
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Bateau à voile ours polaire Out of stock in matching color!
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Product Details
Product Details
Dimensions: 25,3 x 18 x 7,7 pouces
Weight: 9 livres
Materials: La baignoire est fabriquée en plastique non toxique et le dossier est en mousse EVA.
Age: 0mo.+
Safety: all Lalo products meet and exceed ASTM safety standards and are prop 65 compliant.
Cleaning & Care
Cleaning & Care
Lavez la cuve et les composants avec de l'eau tiède savonneuse. Ensuite, laissez sécher à l'air.
Assembly + FAQ's
Assembly + FAQ's
Product FAQ’s: View [https://help.meetlalo.com/category/bf7nj2o4p5-the-bath-collection~here~_blank]
Instructions: View [https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0037/5062/5344/files/The_Bath_Tub_Manual.pdf?v=1719409401~here~_blank]

From first bath to splash zone.
A removable insert supports your infant from day one, then grows with them. When your little one is sitting and playing, the tub is a contained space for all their exploring and splashing.

Made with longevity in mind.
Use The Bath Tub’s infant insert for newborn through sitting stage, then take out when baby is sturdy enough to sit up and play safely. When they outgrow it, convert The Bath Tub into a sensory bin for child-directed play.

Designed for the main or kids' bathroom.
Made with non-toxic materials, the multi-stage Bath Tub fits your style and creates a safe space for parent-baby bonding.